Nick and the Wii tennis cycle trainer

My very good friend Nick loves riding his bike but hasn’t had any time (family, kids, owns his own home improvement business) and a knee injury doesn’t help either. On top of that there are the universal hassles of getting out on the bike (gear, weather, darkness, motivation) we all know and hate. He wished he could ride more.

His wife Nikki got him a trainer in the hopes it would help him use his lovely Fuji-molded carbon-ness more. Unfortunately I kept forgetting to bring over an extra skewer that would fit the trainer. I finally remembered so, while there checking on the dogs while they were away, I swapped the skewer and put the bike on the trainer as a welcome home surprise.

I got a a text from Nick the night they got home, and while I won’t go into details, it involved bikes, and trainers, and miles, and dress shoes and I could tell he was happy.

Tonight I got an email from Nikki with this great picture attached. Of course Nick wouldn’t be satisfied with just riding his bike. Most of us need a distraction cycling indoors. Many of us choose tv or movies or videos of cycling workouts…some of us need more than that. Nick needs more hand-eye-coordination-challenging activities. Coming to a fitness center near you: Wii tennis cycle trainer tournaments.

You saw it here first.

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3 Responses to Nick and the Wii tennis cycle trainer

  1. Nick says:

    Yes, it was great, made 30 minutes go by fast. Today my butt bone kills, so need to actually put the shorts on tomorrow. Also for the record, I won my tennis matches 🙂

  2. Andrew says:

    Putting the seat on the carbon-ness will help prevent butt bone pain next time…shorts are the least of your worries!

  3. Nikki says:

    Glen, you are the best thanks for getting Nick off the couch to play tennis:-) THANK YOU!!

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